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Keyword:Tourism Outlook
  • Tourism Outlook

    Created in collaboration with Tourism Economics, Destination Canada’s Tourism Outlook model forecasts future tourism visitation and spending driven by domestic and international travel. 
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook, Featured Reports, Visits, Spending
  • Dashboard

    Designed for tourism industry stakeholders and Canadians who want to understand the future trajectory of growth for Canada’s tourism industry, it’s an online visualization of the projected growth of tourism spending and visitation.
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook, Featured Reports, Visits, Spending
  • Tourism Outlook: Unlocking Opportunities for the Sector

    … travel, Destination Canada (DC), in collaboration with Tourism Economics, a subsidiary of Oxford Economics, has crafted a revised Tourism Outlook extending to 2030. The Fall 2023 Tourism Outlook was …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook
  • Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q3 2023

    … 102.5 87.8 77.5 97.7 Canadian businesses+2.5%-2.3% Average Tourism Industries Travel services -18.9% Bus transportation, … are hosted between April and October. Nearly … 337 … Tourism Outlook … Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q3 2023 …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook
  • Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q4 2023

    … 102.8 87.8 77.5 98.5 Canadian businesses+2.8%-1.5% Average Tourism Industries Travel services -19.0% Bus transportation, … delegates. June saw more than 94,000 delegates. … 372 … Tourism Outlook … Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q4 2023 …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook
  • Overnight Arrivals at a Glance - February 2024

    … FEBRUARY 2024 overnight arrivals at a glance … 374 … Tourism Outlook … Overnight Arrivals at a Glance - February 2024 …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook
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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Keyword:Tourism Outlook
  • Tourism Outlook

    Created in collaboration with Tourism Economics, Destination Canada’s Tourism Outlook model forecasts future tourism visitation and spending driven by domestic and international travel. 
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook, Featured Reports, Visits, Spending
  • Dashboard

    Designed for tourism industry stakeholders and Canadians who want to understand the future trajectory of growth for Canada’s tourism industry, it’s an online visualization of the projected growth of tourism spending and visitation.
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook, Featured Reports, Visits, Spending
  • Tourism Outlook: Unlocking Opportunities for the Sector

    … travel, Destination Canada (DC), in collaboration with Tourism Economics, a subsidiary of Oxford Economics, has crafted a revised Tourism Outlook extending to 2030. The Fall 2023 Tourism Outlook was …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook
  • Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q3 2023

    … 102.5 87.8 77.5 97.7 Canadian businesses+2.5%-2.3% Average Tourism Industries Travel services -18.9% Bus transportation, … are hosted between April and October. Nearly … 337 … Tourism Outlook … Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q3 2023 …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook
  • Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q4 2023

    … 102.8 87.8 77.5 98.5 Canadian businesses+2.8%-1.5% Average Tourism Industries Travel services -19.0% Bus transportation, … delegates. June saw more than 94,000 delegates. … 372 … Tourism Outlook … Quarterly Tourism Snapshot Q4 2023 …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook
  • Overnight Arrivals at a Glance - February 2024

    … FEBRUARY 2024 overnight arrivals at a glance … 374 … Tourism Outlook … Overnight Arrivals at a Glance - February 2024 …
    keywords & tags:
    Tourism Outlook